IPMAT is a highly competitive entrance exam which is conducted annually by the prestigious Indian Institute of Management, Indore. It aims to check a candidate’s potential for management education and offers admission to the institution’s five-year Integrated Program in Management. The IPMAT exam assesses a student’s aptitude and proficiency in various areas such as Quantitative Aptitude (QA), Verbal Ability (VA), Logical Reasoning (LR), and Data Interpretation (DI). The exam is typically conducted in the computer-based test mode and consists of multiple-choice questions (MCQs).
So if you are you an aspirant who wants to secure a seat at this prestigious management institution of Indore then start your preparation early. This article will provide you with few secrets on how to crack IPMAT successfully and lead your way towards a successful IPMAT journey.
1. Strengthen your academic proficiency
It is often seen that applicants boast a lot about their internships, courses during the interview. It is not a job interview. The interviewers want to test your academics and want to select applicants with great academic proficiency. They just want to see that you are hard-working and you can manage to deliver the workload that IIM Indore will be putting on you if you are get selected.
2. Enhance verbal ability
The second best trick to crack your IPMAT exam is to read a lot. For this section, develop a reading habit to improve vocabulary and comprehension is mandatory.
You can do this by reading a lot of newspaper editorials. This will benefit you in three ways:

It would diversify the variety of topics that you come across so that when a new topic comes up in the exams you can adapt quickly.

Improving your VA section helps you to develop an instinctive grammar i.e when you look at a sentence you can tell what is wrong in a particular sentence.

It will introduce you to a lot of phrases in idioms and words. Try to solve lot of questions. Devote at least 60 minutes in a day to solve just verbal ability questions.
3. Do not panic
One thing that every aspirant should keep in mind is to not panic whenever you attempt the paper. In the previous years it was observed that IIM Indore kept on the changing their formats regularly. In the year 2020 and 2021, they did it because of covid and the other restrictions but in the year 2022 and they did it on purpose. Instead of giving 100 questions overall they gave just 90 questions and gave more weightage to verbal. Such changes can create panic among students. Therefore, it is necessary to stay calm, focussed and just try to work on it.
4. Set your goals
It is often seen that aspirants keep on counting the number of study hours. Instead of doing this you should rather have your own target for a day and focus on completing those targets whether you take three, five hours or ten hours to complete it. Achieving the targets will completely vary on individuals. So do not focus on the number of hours you spend studying but focus on completing the daily targets. And if you do this consistently you can definitely achieve your goals.
5. Practice mock tests
Solve as many as mock tests possible. It is also recommendable to solve mocks with other aspirants as well. You can do that by finding yourself a study buddy, he or she can be someone from your coaching class or from someone from a telegram channel that you have recently joined. This way you can showcase each other’s good areas, also their weak areas and work on improving them.
6. Do not take stress
Another important tip would be to not stress a lot while preparation. Although, it is very common for all of us to stress but doing that will make things even worse. You might feel demotivated while scoring less in your mocks. During such scenarios you can talk to your mentors for guidance. It is also observed that students who did not perform well in their mocks have scored well in the actual exam and vice versa. why because they stressed a lot they they thought whether I’ll get into I am or not because that
7. Do not start late
The last but not the least trick would be to not wait for the last day to start attempting mocks. Let your mock attempts make a path for your preparation. By starting early you can highlight your weak and strong areas and focus more on the relevant topics. Many students often overspends their time on irrelevant topics and miss focusing on the strong areas.
In conclusion, cracking the IPMAT demands dedication, consistent effort, and strategic planning. By embracing these six secrets and approaching your preparation systematically, you’ll position yourself for success in the competitive world of management education. Remember, success comes to those who not only dream but also work tirelessly towards achieving their dreams. Best of luck on your IPMAT journey.
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q.1 When is the IPMAT exam conducted?
The IPMAT exam is typically conducted in the month of June every year.
Q.2 Can I use a calculator during the exam?
No, calculators are not allowed during the IPMAT exam.
Q.3 What is the duration of the IPMAT exam?
The duration of the IPMAT exam is 120 minutes.
Q4. Are there any reserved seats for certain categories?
Yes, a certain percentage of seats are reserved for candidates belonging to specific categories as per government regulations.