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LR DI - CAT 25

Logical Reasoning and DATA Interpretation (LRDI) is one of the most crucial ... Show more
2,505 Students enrolled
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  • Description
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Logical Reasoning and DATA Interpretation (LRDI) is one of the most crucial sections of CAT and other MBA entrance exams. It is regarded as one of the exam’s most challenging sections. It evaluates a candidate’s ability to think, reason, and solve problems in the most effective manner. In other words, you are expected to have good logical and puzzle solving ability and comfort with different forms of data representation.

LR DI section of CAT cannot be mastered in a short time. There needs to be a proper plan ,proper guidance and proper timeline for achieving the desired result. This Advanced Online LR DI Course gives you that extra advantage and covers all the imperative aspects of the section; arrangement , distribution, ranking, table , bar graph & pie chart  based questions,…… Besides this, our online course covers more complex topics; Venn Diagram,Cubes, Network and  Games & Tournaments , …. , specially designed to develop and fine tune the overall analytical reasoning ability of the aspirants.

Click the Curriculum Tab to get the complete list of topics and subtopics that is being covered in this online course of Logical Reasoning & DATA Interpretation (LR DI). It will also give you the idea of syllabus of Logical Reasoning & DATA Interpretation (LR DI) for CAT.

Main Features

  • Each video lesson starts with the basic concepts and gradually proceeds towards the CAT  level concepts.
  • After every lesson you will get 3-5 quizzes.
  • Video solution of questions of quizzes.

System Requirement 

  • You must either use a laptop or desktop for a better learning experience. We do not recommend the usage of mobile phones.
  • For video lessons, you must use chrome browser.
Logical Reasoning
Is there restriction of number of views of video lessons ?
No, there is no restriction on number of views . However , every course has an expiry date and after that you can not access this course .
Can i get access to tests as well or do i have to buy tests separately?
With all of our learning package, we provide exercises and tests related to that packages .
How can i upgrade my subscription for some more time ?
Every course/package comes with an expiry date . We can not extend the date. But we can certainly change your course/package to another one with longer duration . Please call us @ 011-43580693/94 during working hours (10 am - 7pm).
Will i be getting printed books also ?
No, these are 100% online course . We will not be sending any books or printed study material .
Do i need to purchase any other study material ?
No, our learning videos cover every topic extensively and instructors make sure that you don't have to refer any other material. However if you want our study material you can speak to our representative @ 011-43580693/94.
Course available for 360 days
Course details
Lectures 26
Quizzes 49


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LR DI - CAT 25