The Type In The Answer (TITA) Questions in the CAT exam can turn out to be little tougher for those who are not confident with the fundamental concepts. Because in case TITA Questions you need to solve the questions and write down the answer. These type of questions were introduced by IIMs in the year 2015. As per the current CAT exam question paper, the question paper comprises of 100 questions, out of which 28 will be non-MCQs, with 10 questions each from VA-RC and Quants sections, while DI-LR will have only 8 questions. (Crack Non – Mcq questions)
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The best part about TITA Question is there is no negative marking. For every correct answer will get you +3 marks. As TITA questions are more descriptive in nature, TITA questions are more time-consuming than MCQ-type questions. The preparation for these type of questions needs to be very thorough.
Number of TITA Questions in CAT Exam over the Years(Crack Non – Mcq questions)
Year | VARC | DILR | QA | Percentage of TITA Questions |
CAT 2015 | 10 | 24 | 14 | 32 |
CAT 2016 | 10 | 8 | 7 | 25 |
CAT 2017 | 7 | 6 | 7 | 20 |
In these article we have discussed few tips to perform well in the Non-Mcq questions:
1.Be very thorough with all your fundamental concepts in order to tackle the non-MCQs. Candidates should dedicate more time in revising all the basic concepts.
2. Before you attempt any TITA Question make sure to understand the question first. If you try to solve any question in hurry, you will end up in loosing your precious time.
3. It is also observed that the difficulty level of the TITA questions in CAT exam varies from section to section. You should always start with those questions that are less time-consuming.
4. Also the TITA questions do not involve any negative marking. Therefore, you should not miss your chance to attempt these questions.
Students have to grasp one important point that these questions should be attempted only when they are done attempting the MCQs. Also, the accuracy level of TITA questions is much lower than those for traditional MCQs. Therefore, it is recommended that candidate should practice previous year’s TITA question in order to understand the TITA question types that comes in each section. Also, the non-MCQs should not be taken for granted. Candidates must adopt a strategic approach depending on the type of question.