How to improve accuracy in solving LRDI
- 17/04/2024
- Posted by: Yashita
- Category: CAT Preparation

LRDI is a sectional exam to test the student’s ability in problem-solving. The only drawback is that it has an undefined syllabus. Over the years, the LRDI exam pattern has changed, and it isn’t characterized anymore, making it difficult to differentiate the LR questions with DI questions.
Effective LRDI Strategy For CAT Aspirants Is Build By Understanding The Syllabus
As LRDI is a test to gauge a student’s critical thinking and problem-solving skills, the syllabus is vast and usually undefined. However, there has been a pattern followed over the years that has made it easier to understand the topics to be covered for LRDI preparation.
Broadly, we can classify the topics under the logical reasoning section as,
- Arrangement Puzzles
- Team Selection
- Ranking Puzzle
- Generic Puzzle
The syllabus for Data Interpretation for LRDI preparation:
- Bar Diagrams
- Pie Charts
- Word Problems
- Tables
Tips To Help You Create A Successful LRDI Strategy For CAT Aspirants, 2024
What can you learn from previous CAT aspirants, who successfully cracked the exam? Simple, organized and structured learning is the key. For a methodized learning experience, follow these productive steps to frame a strategy that works for you.
Solve Sectional Tests
LRDI comprise 32% of the CAT exam. Every morning, dedicatedly solving 2 logical reasoning sets and 2 data interpretation sets will get you in the practice mode.
Previous Year’s Question Papers
The best place to start preparing for LRDI is by solving the previous year’s question papers. Once after solving nearly 50 sets of logical reasoning and data interpretation papers, you will have to follow a pattern which is in practice over the years. This makes the preparation process for this section easier. You may still not know the exact set of questions to expect, but you will understand the types of questions asked and how to solve them in the limited time frame.
Give Mock Tests
Mock tests are a critical step in CAT exam preparation. While logical reasoning and data interpretation has an indefinite, vast syllabus to follow, it is essential to rely on mocks to understand the types of questions that could be asked this year.
Analyze Mock Tests
Once you give a mock, the next step should be to analyze the mocks in detail. It will help you know the repetitive mistakes, create a new study plan for the same to practice, and revise.
Strategy to follow to solve LRDI questions
- Look at the questions as a puzzle.
- Practice solving the standard puzzle templates – grid puzzles, arrangement, cubes, tournaments, sequence, and selection from different books and study materials.
- This test is not about knowing all the templates. It is about finding a quicker way to solve those questions that follow the same pattern.
- Improve your basic maths, numbers, pie charts, bar diagrams, percentage, etc.
- Build mental stamina by practicing numerous previous year’s CAT exam papers, and coaching study material.
- Practicing the puzzles over time will help you find the repetitive patterns in the exam questions. This will help quickly understand the questions during mocks and the actual exam.
- Always take LRDI mix sets. Do not go for an individual LR/DI set, as it will not prove beneficial in the long run.
- Read long puzzles till the end. Do not read half part of the question and make assumptions. This can take the course of your solution in an entirely wrong direction.
- Attempt topic-wise sectional mock – one every night. This will help you gauge your progress on each topic. Once you know your mistakes, attempt those questions again.
A Tip on How to Get Quicker In Solving LRDI Questions
Find someone who has already cracked CAT. Ask them the pointers they created to solve the puzzles. Avoid forming your long strategy, it will save you time to solve questions in the actual CAT exam. Your prime focus should be on finding a good set and quality solutions.
Logical Reasoning and Data Interpretation Preparation Tips
Listed below are a few tips straight from the horse’s mouth. The aspirants who cleared the CAT in the first attempt with 99+ percentile believe to crack the LRDI section, one must follow these simple yet useful hacks:
- Get comfortable with diagrams and tables, and draw where necessary.
- Have a mental legend, i.e. some form of icons/symbols, to donate longer names. While you practice this section’s questions, create your own icons and be consistent with it.
- Code constraints – These are used to fill in the blanks. Think above what seems evident. Find alternate ways and eliminate the obvious.
- Pay close attention to specific words like ‘all’, ‘only’, ‘some’, ‘none’, ‘if only’, ‘other’, ‘than’, ‘unless’. These words can help you think beyond obvious solutions and simplify the puzzle.
- Improve calculation speed. Use the surrounding numbers to speed up the calculations. This will help you solve the question within the time limit to complete the section in the designated time.
- Make use of the online resource material like mocks, sectional tests, and topic-wise tests to work on your accuracy and speed.
Books you can refer to for LRDI preparation
- Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning: Gautam Puri
- Logical Reasoning and Data Interpretation for CAT: Nishit K. Sinha
- How to prepare for Data Interpretation for CAT: Arun Sharma
- How to prepare for Logical Reasoning for CAT: Arun Sharma
- A modern Approach to Logical Reasoning: R.S. Aggarwal
- Data Interpretation: Nishit Sinha
There is no shortcut to prepare for LRDI. Follow the steps dedicatedly:
- Solve previous years papers to understand the pattern of questions asked.
- Give mocks- topic-wise, sectional, mix sets to know your weaker areas.
- Analyze mocks to recognize repetitive mistakes, practice and improve.
- Find your own code constraints. Make sure to draw diagrams and tables where necessary.
- Find less time-consuming strategies to solve the puzzles that follow the same pattern.
Remember, logical puzzle solving for LRDI can be exhaustive, and monotonous sometimes. When you feel the pressure boiling, try solving Sudoku and Crosswords in between the preparations.