DILR, which is Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning is considered as one of the most toughest section of the CAT exam. It is also observed that this section has been a make or break which means either your CAT exam will be very good if this section goes well or else this one section will ruin your whole score. In this article, we will explain how to approach this section logically then how you can score well in this section.
Pattern of DILR Section in CAT Exam
First of all we will start with the pattern of DILR section in the CAT exam & the types of questions asked in the past In CAT 2022.
How to perfrom well in DILR Section?
To perform really well in this section you must adapt few necessary skills. The very first skill should be selecting the right questions. It is very important to decide out of 4 questions which ones you should attempt first whenever you solve any sets. By doing this you can note the level of difficulty in your mind.
The more you practice this the more it will develop but for this an important step is to go through the past year papers all the questions that have been asked in the DILR section from that, you will get clarity what types of questions are asked in the CAT exam and which questions are tough and which are easy once when you will know that, when you will pick questions from any topic for practice, it will become easier for you to spot that this particular question is of easy nature or medium or difficult.
The second skill that you need is solving the questions little faster i.e you should increase the speed of solving the questions faster. To achieve this you need to start using some tricks while solving questions. In DILR very limited types are observed and every single type has some tricks or diagrams which you will be observing when you make a Venn diagram every time the same circles are made or when you set games and tournaments then every time same type of things are there. You will get that trick when you will practice at least 20-30 set of questions of every particular type. When again & again you practice the same type of questions then you are able to identify those tricks.
DILR section is very time consuming. It will take time so you need to be very patient while attempting, therefore it is necessary to approach it with the right mindset. You can start solving past year question papers to understand the difficulty level of CAT DILR. By doing this you will be able to spot the tough, easy and medium questions and you can attempt accordingly.
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