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Ringtail opossums are an Australian wildlife

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1) Ringtail opossums are an Australian wildlife species that is potentially endangered. A number of ringtail opossums that had been orphaned and subsequently raised in captivity were monitored after being returned to the wild. Seventy-five percent of these opossums were killed by foxes, a species not native to Australia. Conservationists concluded that the native ringtail opossum population was endangered not by a scarcity of food, as had been previously thought, but by non-native predator species against which the opossum had not developed natural defenses.

Which one of the following, if true, most strongly supports the conservationists’ argument?

(A) There are fewer non-native predator species that prey on the ringtail opossum than there are native species that prey on the ringtail opossum.

(B) Foxes, which were introduced into Australia over 200 years ago, adapted to the Australian climate less successfully than did some other foreign species.

(C) The ringtail opossums that were raised in captivity were fed a diet similar to that which ringtail opossums typically eat in the wild.

(D) Few of the species that compete with the ringtail opossum for food sources are native to Australia.

(E) Ringtail opossums that grow to adulthood in the wild defend themselves against foxes no more successfully than do ringtail opossums raised in captivity.

 2) Lecture: Given our current state of knowledge and technology, we can say that the generalization that the entropy of a closed system cannot decrease for any spontaneous process has not been falsified by any of our tests of that generalization. So we conclude it to be true universally. Yet, it must be admitted that this generalization has not been conclusively verified, in the sense that it has not been tested in every corner of the universe, under every feasible condition. Nevertheless, this generalization is correctly regarded as a scientific law; indeed, it is referred to as the Second Law of Thermodynamics.

Which one of the following principles, if valid, most justifies the lecturer’s classification of the generalization described above?

(A) Whatever is a scientific law has not been falsified.

(B) If a generalization is confirmed only under a few circumstances, it should not be considered a scientific law.

(C) Whatever is true universally will eventually be confirmed to the extent current science allows.

(D) If a generalization is confirmed to the extent current science allows, then it is considered a scientific law.

(E) Whatever is regarded as a scientific law will eventually be conclusively verified.

3) Due to wider commercial availability of audio recordings of authors reading their own books, sales of printed books have dropped significantly.

Which one of the following conforms most closely to the principle illustrated above?

(A) Because of the rising cost of farm labor, farmers began to make more extensive use of machines.

(B) Because of the wide variety of new computer games on the market, sales of high-quality computer video screens have improved.

(C) Because a new brand of soft drink entered the market, consumers reduced their consumption of an established brand of soft drink.

(D) Because a child was forbidden to play until homework was completed, that child did much less daydreaming and focused on homework.

(E) Because neither of the two leading word processing programs has all of the features consumers want, neither has been able to dominate the market.

4) Tony: A short story is little more than a novelist’s sketch pad. Only novels have narrative structures that allow writers to depict human lives accurately by portraying characters whose personalities gradually develop through life experience.

Raoul: Life consists not of a linear process of personality development, but rather of a series of completely disjointed vignettes, from many of which the discerning observer may catch glimpses of character. Thus, the short story depicts human lives more faithfully than does the novel.

The dialogue most supports the claim that Tony and Raoul disagree about whether

(A) human lives are best understood as series of completely disjointed vignettes

(B) novels and short stories employ the same strategies to depict human lives

(C) novels usually depict gradual changes in characters’ personalities

(D) only short stories are used as novelists’ sketch pads

(E) short stories provide glimpses of facts of character that are usually kept hidden

5) People who do not believe that others distrust them are confident in their own abilities, so people who tend to trust others think of a difficult task as a challenge rather than a threat, since this is precisely how people who are confident in their won abilities regard such tasks.

The conclusion above follows logically if which one of the following is assumed?

(A) People who believe that others distrust them tend to trust others.

(B) Confidence in one’s own abilities gives one confidence in the trustworthiness of others.

(C) People who tend to trust others do not believe that others distrust them.

(D) People who are not threatened by difficult tasks tend to find such tasks challenging.

(E) People tend to distrust those who they believe lack self-confidence.

6)  Toxicologist: A survey of oil-refinery workers who work with MBTE, an ingredient currently used in some smog-reducing gasoline, found an alarming incidence of complaints about headaches, fatigue, and shortness of breath. Since gasoline containing MBTE will soon be widely used, we can expect an increased incidence of headaches, fatigue, and shortness of breath.

Each of the following, if true, strengthens the toxicologist’s argument EXCEPT:

(A) Most oil-refinery workers who do not work with MBTE do not have serious health problems involving headaches, fatigue, and shortness of breath.

(B) Headaches, fatigue, and shortness of breath are among the symptoms of several medical conditions that are potentially serious threats to public health.

(C) Since the time when gasoline containing MBTE was first introduced in a few metropolitan areas, those areas reported an increase in the number of complaints about headaches, fatigue, and shortness of breath.

(D) Regions in which only gasoline containing MBTE is used have a much greater incidence of headaches, fatigue, and shortness of breath than do similar regions in which only MBTE-free gasoline is used.

(E) The oil-refinery workers surveyed were carefully selected to be representative of the broader population in their medical histories prior to exposure to MBTE, as well as in other relevant respects.