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Sentence correction:

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  1. Tom Bradley was mayor of Los Angeles from 1973 to 1993, an era when the city had transformedfrom a collection of suburban neighborhoods to the second-largest city in the United States.

(A)  an era when the city had transformed

(B)  an era during which the city was transformed 

(C)  an era that transformed it

(D)  during which era the city transformed

(E)  during which the city was transformed


  1. The results of the company’s cost-cutting measures are evident in its profits, which increased five percent during the first three months of this year after it fellover the last two years.

(A) which increased five percent during the first three months of this year after it fell

(B) which had increased five percent during the first three months of this year after it had fallen

(C) which have increased five percent during the first three months of this year after falling

(D) with a five percent increase during the first three months of this year after falling

(E) with a five percent increase during the first three months of this year after having fallen


  1. Part of the proposed increase in state education spending is due to higher enrollment, since the number of students in public schools have grown steadily since the mid-1980’s and, at nearly 47 million, are ata record high.

(A) enrollment, since the number of students in public schools have grown steadily since the mid-1980’s and, at nearly 47 million, are at

(B) enrollment, with a number of students in public schools growing steadily since the mid-1980’s and, at nearly 47 million, reaching

(C) enrollment: since students in public schools have grown steadily in number since the mid-1980’s and, at nearly 47 million, have reached

(D) enrollment: the number of student in public schools has grown steadily since the mid-1980’s and, at nearly 47 million, has reached

(E) enrollment: students in public schools have grown steadily in number, since the mid-1980’s and, at nearly 47 million, are at


  1. Vivien Thomas, who had no formal medical training, in struggling against overwhelming odds, he becamea cardiac surgeon and eventually to receive an honorary doctorate from Johns Hopkins University.
  2. A) who had no formal medical training, in struggling against overwhelming odds, he became
  3. B) having had no formal medical training, in struggling against overwhelming odds to become
  4. C) who, having no formal medical training, he struggled against overwhelming odds in becoming
  5. D) who, having had no formal medical training and struggled against overwhelming odds, became
  6. E) who had no formal medical training, struggled against overwhelming odds to become


surbhikalra 16/05/2018 3:08 pm

Passive to active voice:

Curfew has been imposed by the police ar multiple locations in Gujarat.

TathaGat 16/05/2018 4:51 pm

# passive active

The police have imposed curfew at multiple locations in Gujarat. 

13 questions & discussions are there under this sub-topic

Sentence correction:

One of the problems that occur as a result of coal mining is the increasing incidences of lung cancer.

TG.Team 12/07/2018 11:47 am

Answer: One of the problems that occurs as a result of coal mining is the increasing incidence of lung cancer.

TG.Team 12/07/2018 12:28 pm

Rule: When two or more nouns are present, ask the verb to agree with its proper subject instead of the noun near it. 


Victory is everything in the Indian universe and Tendulkar will be expected to translate his genius to that effect. To contemplate any other option is to contemplate the risk of failure.

TG.Team 18/07/2018 11:35 am

Since the first sentence has 'will be', the answer is:

Victory is everything in the Indian universe and Tendulkar will be expected to translate his genius to that effect. To contemplate any other option would be to contemplate the risk of failure.


Sir, in such a question, both option 2 & 5 are correct (parallelism). But if we get such a question, which one option should we go for?

P.S- I selected option 5 and was marked wrong. 

TG Team 13/10/2018 11:23 am

Ye kahan se utha ke practise karte ho? You are right, both 2 & 5 are right. If you want to practise grammar at all, just practise with the 1000 SC File.


I will try 1000 SC to practice 


Q1. The employees of this company demand higher salaries for a very long period of time.

1. The employee of this company demand higher salary for a long time.
2. The employees of this company demands higher salary for a very long time.
3. The employees of this company are demanding higher salaries for a long time.
4. The employees of this company have been demanding higher salaries for a very long time.

This post was modified 6 months ago 2 times by Yashita

Instruction: The sentence given below is grammatically incorrect. Pick out the best suitable option
to correct the sentence.

The renowned Birla’s family is divided on the property.
1. The renowned Birla’s family are divided on the property.
2. The renowned Birla family is divided for the property.
3. The renowned Birla’s family is divided into properties.
4. The renowned Birla family divided on the property.


Instruction: Which sentence is grammatically accurate? 

A. The sun sets in the west. 

B. The sun setting in the west. 

C. The sun is setting in the west. 

D. The sun sets on the west.


Instruction: Pick the option with no error/errors for the underlined text:

Though all competitive exams do not allow using a calculator, but where they are permitted, there are restrictions on the models allowed.

  1. Though all competitive exams do not allow using calculators,
  2. Not all competitive exams allow the use of a calculator,
  3. Every competitive exam does not allow using of calculators,
  4. No correction required

Instruction: Read the following sentence and select the option that correct the underlined sections.

"If the books have been cataloged last week, why haven’t they been placed on the shelf?"
  1. have been cataloged 
  2. would have been cataloged 
  3. was cataloged 
  4. were cataloged 
  5. had been cataloged
Instruction: Read the following sentence and select the option that corrects the underlined section. If the sentence section is correct as written, choose option A.
To judge the Tidy City contest, we picked an uninterested party.

a)picked an uninterested party. 
b)picked an interested party! 
c)picked a disinterested party. 
d)are in the process of picking an uninterested party. 
e)picked an disinterested party.

This post was modified 6 months ago by Yashita
Instruction: Read the following sentence and select the option that corrects the underlined section. If the sentence section is correct as written, choose option 4.

Denouncing it as anti-democratic, the Lobbying Act was slammed by critics, imposing draconian limits on the activities of trade unions.

  1. the Lobbying Act, which imposes draconian limits on the activities of trade unions, was slammed by critics.
  2. critics slammed the Lobbying Act, imposing draconian limits on the activities of trade unions.
  3. critics slammed the Lobbying Act, which imposes draconian limits on the activities of trade unions.
  4. No correction required
Instruction: Read the following sentence and select the option that corrects the underlined section. 

A 1972 agreement between Canada and the United States reduced the amount of
phosphates that municipalities had been allowed to dump into the Great Lakes.
(A) reduced the amount of phosphates that municipalities had been allowed to dump
(B) reduced the phosphate amount that municipalities had been dumping
(C) reduces the phosphate amount municipalities have been allowed to dump
(D) reduced the amount of phosphates that municipalities are allowed to dump
(E) reduces the amount of phosphates allowed for dumping by municipalities

Instruction: Read the following sentence and select the option that corrects the underlined section. 

As there was no place in the first compartment, he shifted to the second.

  1. As there was no room in the first compartment, he moved
  2. As there was no space in the first compartment, he shifted
  3. As there was no seat in the first compartment, he moved
  4. No correction required