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Hello sir,

Please answer the following questions. This RC was asked in CAT-2017

DIRECTIONS for the question: The five sentences (labelled 1,2,3,4, and 5) given in this question, when properly sequenced, form a coherent paragraph. Decide on the proper order for the sentence and key in this sequence of five numbers as your answer.


1.The process of handing down implies not a passive transfer, but some contestation in defining what exactly is to be handeddown.
2.Wherever Western scholars have worked on the Indian past, the selection is even more apparent and the inventing of a tradition much more recognizable.
3.Every generation selects what it requires from the past and makes its innovations, some more than others.
4.It is now a truism to say that traditions are not handed down unchanged, but are invented.
5.Just as life has death as its opposite, so is tradition by default the opposite of innovation.

DIRECTIONS for the question: The five sentences (labelled 1,2,3,4, and 5) given in this question, when properly sequenced, form a coherent paragraph. Decide on the proper order for the sentence and key in this sequence of five numbers as your answer.


1. Scientists have for the first time managed to edit genes in a human embryo to repair a genetic mutation, fuelling hopes that such procedures may one day be available outside laboratory conditions.
2.The cardiac disease causes sudden death in otherwise healthy young athletes and affects about one in 500 people overall.
3.Correcting the mutation in the gene would not only ensure that the child is healthy but also prevents transmission of the mutation to future generations.
4.It is caused by a mutation in a particular gene and a child will suffer from the condition even if it inherits only one copy of the mutated gene.
5.In results announced in Nature this week, scientists fixed a mutation that thickens the heart muscle, a condition called hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.

DIRECTIONS for the question: The five sentences (labelled 1,2,3,4, and 5) given in this question, when properly sequenced, form a coherent paragraph. Decide on the proper order for the sentence and key in this sequence of five numbers as your answer.


1.The study suggests that the disease did not spread with such intensity, but that it may have driven human migrations across Europe and Asia.
2.The oldest sample came from an individual who lived in southeast Russia about 5,000 years ago.
3.The ages of the skeletons correspond to a time of mass exodus from today's Russia and Ukraine into western Europe and central Asia, suggesting that a pandemic could have driven these migrations.
4.In the analysis of fragments of DNA from 101 Bronze Age skeletons for sequences from Yersinia pestis, the bacterium that causes the disease, seven tested positive.
5.DNA from Bronze Age human skeletons indicate that the black plague could have emerged as early as 3,000 BCE, long before the epidemic that swept through Europe in the mid-1300s.

DIRECTIONS for the question: The five sentences (labelled 1,2,3,4, and 5) given in this question, when properly sequenced, form a coherent paragraph. Decide on the proper order for the sentence and key in this sequence of five numbers as your answer.


1.This visual turn in social media has merely accentuated this announcing instinct of ours, enabling us with easy-to-create, easy-to-share, easy-to-store and easy-to-consume platforms, gadgets and apps.
2.There is absolutely nothing new about us framing the vision of who we are or what we want, visually or otherwise, in our Facebook page, for example.
3.Turning the pages of most family albums, which belong to a period well before the digital dissemination of self-created and self-curated moments and images, would reconfirm the basic instinct of documenting our presence in a particular space, on a significant occasion, with others who matter.
4.We are empowered to book our faces and act as celebrities within the confinement of our respective friend lists, and communicate our activities, companionship and locations with minimal clicks and touches.
5.What is unprecedented is not the desire to put out news feeds related to the self, but the ease with which this broadcast operation can now be executed, often provoking (un)anticipated responses from beyond one's immediate location.32.

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Hello sir,

Please answer the following questions. This RC was asked in CAT-2017

DIRECTIONS for the question: Five sentences related to a topic are given below. Four of them can be put together to form a meaningful and coherent short paragraph. Identify the odd one out. Choose its number as your answer and key it in.


1.People who study children's language spend a lot of time watching how babies react to the speech they hear around them.
2.They make films of adults and babies interacting, and examine them very carefully to see whether the babies show any signs of understanding what the adults say.
3.They believe that babies begin to react to language from the very moment they are born.
4.Sometimes the signs are very subtle - slight movements of the baby's eyes or the head or the hands.
5.You'd never notice them if you were just sitting with the child, but by watching a recording over and over, you can spot them.


DIRECTIONS for the question: Five sentences related to a topic are given below. Four of them can be put together to form a meaningful and coherent short paragraph. Identify the odd one out. Choose its number as your answer and key it in.


1.Neuroscientists have just begun studying exercise's impact within brain cells — on the genes themselves.
2.Even there, in the roots of our biology, they've found signs of the body's influence on the mind.
3.It turns out that moving our muscles produces proteins that travel through the bloodstream and into the brain, where they play pivotal roles in the mechanisms of our highest thought processes.
4.In today's technology-driven, plasma-screened-in world, it's easy to forget that we are born movers — animals, in fact — because we've engineered movement right out of our lives.
5. It's only in the past few years that neuroscientists have begun to describe these factors and how they work, and each new discovery adds awe-inspiring depth to the picture

DIRECTIONS for the question: Five sentences related to a topic are given below. Four of them can be put together to form a meaningful and coherent short paragraph. Identify the odd one out. Choose its number as your answer and key it in.


1.The water that made up ancient lakes and perhaps an ocean was lost.
2.Particles from the Sun collided with molecules in the atmosphere, knocking them into space or giving them an electric charge that caused them to be swept away by the solar wind.
3.Most of the planet's remaining water is now frozen or buried, but clues over the past decade suggested that some liquid water, a presumed necessity for life, might survive in underground aquifers.
4.Data from NASA's MAVEN orbiter show that solar storms stripped away most of Mars's once-thick atmosphere.
5.A recent study reveals how Mars lost much of its early water, while another indicates that some liquid water remains.



Hi Sir, this is an odd one out question. The options do not make any sense to me. Could you please explain the theme and the option that is out of context.

P.S- Since there is no separate section for "out of context" question, I posted it in "PJ" section.

TG.Team 14/08/2018 4:16 pm

Hi Richa, you're right- there is a need to create an 'out of context' section on the forum. 

Coming to your question, 'blanket coverage, headlines and lesser reported stories, story of .....creating a Super Mario World version' in sentences 1,3 and 5, respectively- point to these sentences discussing news stories. Sentence 4 explicitly mentions the news. However, sentence 2 has no mention of the news. Therefore, 2 is out of context. 4135 would be the sequence of the paragraph.

Richa 15/08/2018 2:55 am

This makes sense now. Thank you! The key in such questions is to identify 4 sentences that talk about the same theme and then eliminate the last one. Is it?

Also, could you rate the difficulty level of this question out of 5?


Hi Sir, please help me with this "Odd one Out" question.


aniket prajapati 08/11/2018 7:05 pm

I think 4 is the odd one, am I right?

AmitK 09/11/2018 6:31 pm

Yes, 4 is the odd one out, since it deviates towards other parties.


The five sentences labelled (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) given in this question, when properly sequenced, form a coherent paragraph. Each sentence is labelled with a number. Decide on the proper order for the sentences and key in this sequence of five numbers as your answer.

  1. Scientists have for the first time managed to edit genes in. a human embryo to repair a genetic mutation, fueling hopes that such procedures may one day be available outside laboratory conditions.
  2. The cardiac disease causes sudden death in otherwise healthy young athletes and affects about one in 500 people overall.
  3. Correcting the mutation in the gene would not only ensure that the child is healthy but also prevents transmission of the mutation to future generations.
  4. It is caused by a mutation in a particular gene and a child will suffer from the condition even if it inherits only one copy of the mutated gene.
  5. In results announced in Nature this week, scientists fixed a mutation that thickens the heart muscle, a condition called hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.

Q. The five sentences (labelled 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) given in this question, when properly sequenced, form a coherent paragraph. Each sentence is labelled with a number. Decide on the proper order for the sentences and key in this sequence of five numbers as your answer.

  1. This has huge implications for the health care system as it operates today, where depleted resources and time lead to patients rotating in and out of doctor's offices, oftentimes receiving minimal care or concern (what is commonly referred to as "bed side manner") from doctors.
  2. The placebo effect is when an individual's medical condition or pain shows signs of improvement based on a fake intervention that has been presented to them as a real one and used to be regularly dismissed by researchers as a psychological effect.
  3. The placebo effect is not solely based on believing in treatment, however, as the clinical setting in which treatments are administered is also paramount.
  4. That the mind has the power to trigger biochemical changes because the individual believes that a given drug or intervention will be effective could empower chronic patients through the notion of our bodies' capacity for self-healing.
  5. Placebo effects are now studied not just as foils for "real" interventions but as a potential portal into the self-healing powers of the body.

Q. The four sentences (labelled 1, 2, 3, 4) below, when properly sequenced would yield a coherent paragraph. Decide on the proper sequencing of the order of the sentences and key in the sequence of the four numbers as your Answer:

  1. Relying on narrative structure alone, indigenous significances of nineteenth century San folktales are hard to determine.
  2. Using their supernatural potency, benign shamans transcend the levels of the San cosmos in order to deal with social conflict and to protect material resources and enjoy a measure of respect that sets them apart from ordinary people.
  3. Selected tales reveal that they deal with a form of spiritual conflict that has social implications and concern conflict between people and living or dead malevolent shamans.
  4. Meaning can be elicited, and the tales contextualized, by probing beneath the narrative of verbatim, original-language records and exploring the connotations of highly significant words and phrases.

Question 7:

The four sentences (labelled 1, 2, 3, 4) below, when properly sequenced would yield a coherent paragraph. Decide on the proper sequencing of the order of the sentences and key in the sequence of the four numbers as your Answer:

  1. Tensions and sometimes conflict remain an issue in and between the 11 states in South East Asia (Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Timor-Leste and Vietnam).
  2. China’s rise as a regional military power and its claims in the South China Sea have become an increasingly pressing security concern for many South East Asian states.
  3. Since the 1990s, the security environment of South East Asia has seen both continuity and profound changes.
  4. These concerns cause states from outside the region to take an active interest in South East Asian security.


The four sentences (labelled 1, 2, 3, 4) below, when properly sequenced would yield a coherent paragraph. Decide on the proper sequencing of the order of the sentences and key in the sequence of the four numbers as your Answer:

  1. Man has used poisons for assassination purposes ever since the dawn of civilization, against individual enemies but also occasionally against armies.
  2. These dangers were soon recognized, and resulted in two international declarations—in 1874 in Brussels and in 1899 in The Hague—that prohibited the use of poisoned weapons.
  3. The foundation of microbiology by Louis Pasteur and Robert Koch offered new prospects for those interested in biological weapons because it allowed agents to be chosen and designed on a rational basis.
  4. Though treaties were all made in good faith, they contained no means of control, and so failed to prevent interested parties from developing and using biological weapons.


The four sentences (labelled 1, 2, 3, 4) below, when properly sequenced would yield a coherent paragraph. Decide on the proper sequencing of the order of the sentences and key in the sequence of the four numbers as your answer:

  1. While you might think that you see or are aware of all the changes that happen in your immediate environment, there is simply too much information for your brain to fully process everything.
  2. Psychologists use the term ‘change blindness’ to describe this tendency of people to be blind to changes though they are in the immediate environment.
  3. It cannot be aware of every single thing that happens in the world around you.
  4. Sometimes big shifts happen in front of your eyes and you are not at all aware of these changes.

Direction: The question consists of five statements labelled A, B, C, D and E which when logically ordered form a coherent passage. Choose the option that represents the most logical order.

  1. The US market will continue to be the dominant one in the foreseeable future. The rupee could become even stronger.
  2. A greater recourse to hedging as well as striving for multi-currency revenue streams automatically suggests itself.
  3. Already one company, TCS, by resorting to these methods extensively has turned in an above - average performance during the first quarter.
  4. Most IT companies have been grappling with more mundane problems such as a high level of attrition amidst rising wage costs and inability to secure the right type and number of American visas.
  5. The BPO industry and many medium-sized software exporters are reportedly operating on thin margins.
  1. BCADE
  2. ABCDE
  3. DCBAE
  4. EDABC


The four sentences (labelled 1, 2, 3, 4) below, when properly sequenced would yield a coherent paragraph. Decide on the proper sequencing of the order of the sentences and key in the sequence of the four numbers as your answer:

  1. It also has four movable auxiliary telescopes 1.8 m in diameter.
  2. Completed in 2006, the Very Large Telescope (VLT) has four reflecting telescopes,8.2 m in diameter that can observe objects 4 billion times weaker than can normally be seen with the naked eye.
  3. This configuration enables one to distinguish an astronaut on the Moon.
  4. When these are combined with the large telescopes, they produce what is called interferometry: a simulation of the power of a mirror 16 m in diameter and the resolution of a telescope of 200 m.


The four sentences (labelled 1, 2, 3, 4) below, when properly sequenced would yield a coherent paragraph. Decide on the proper sequencing of the order of the sentences and key in the sequence of the four numbers as your answer:

  1. But the attention of the layman, not surprisingly, has been captured by the atom bomb, although there is at least a chance that it may never be used again.
  2. Of all the changes introduced by man into the household of nature, [controlled]large-scale nuclear fission is undoubtedly the most dangerous and most profound.
  3. The danger to humanity created by the so-called peaceful uses of atomic energy may, however, be much greater.
  4. The resultant ionizing radiation has become the most serious agent of pollution of the environment and the greatest threat to man’s survival on earth.


The four sentences (labelled 1, 2, 3, 4) below, when properly sequenced would yield a coherent paragraph. Decide on the proper sequencing of the order of the sentences and key in the sequence of the four numbers as your answer:

  1. Each one personified a different aspect of good fortune.
  2. The others were versions of popular Buddhist gods, Hindu gods and Daoist gods.
  3. Seven popular Japanese deities, the Shichi Fukujin, were considered to bring good luck and happiness.
  4. Although they were included in the Shinto pantheon, only two of them, Daikoku and Ebisu, were indigenous Japanese gods.


The four sentences (labelled 1, 2, 3, 4) below, when properly sequenced would yield a coherent paragraph. Decide on the proper sequencing of the order of the sentences and key in the sequence of the four numbers as your answer:

  1. It advocated a conservative approach to antitrust enforcement that espouses faith in efficient markets and voiced suspicion regarding the merits of judicial intervention to correct anticompetitive practices.
  2. Many industries have consistently gained market share, the lion’s share – without any official concern; the most successful technology companies have grown into veritable titans, on the premise that they advance ‘public interest’.
  3. That the new anticompetitive risks posed by tech giants like Google, Facebook, and Amazon, necessitate new legal solutions could be attributed to the dearth of enforcement actions against monopolies and the few cases challenging mergers in the USA.
  4. The criterion of ‘consumer welfare standard’ and the principle that antitrust law should serve consumer interests and that it should protect competition rather than individual competitors was an antitrust law introduced by, and named after, the 'Chicago school'.
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