Inequalities (Inequalities – maxima and minima.)
- 07/03/2024
- Posted by: TGRahul
- Category: Lessons Quant Lessons

Inequalities (Inequalities – maxima and minima.)
Most of you know why you are reading this article – to gain some knowledge, to sharpen your skills and ultimately to clear CAT and get most coveted IIM calls for admission in India’s top-notch B-schools for a colorful MBA degree. Right? But how many of you know that why do you want an MBA-degree? Your answers can be – money, lucrative job, and exotic work culture, higher growth in pay package or status symbol. Hmmm. But what after that – are there any more targets or any more goals to achieve? May be you have never thought of that.
I was asked these series of question by one of my friend in 2nd semester of my graduation from Delhi College of Engineering. My responses were in similar fashion but he was insisting on the point that ‘what after this’ every time. He said, “All these are targets for some coming years only but what is your ‘Ultimate Aim of Life’. And how these smaller goals are directing you towards achieving that ultimate goal?” I was clueless because I’d never thought that way. He showed me one book and pointing towards the picture on the cover page he said, “This planet is my ultimate aim of life.” The book was Srimad Bhagwatam by Srila Prabhupad. That picture showed a lotus shaped arena where a world famous cowherd boy was playing on his flute. There were some cows seen in the picture and also some village girls dancing. My immediate reaction to my friend was, “You are fool.” But in subconscious mind somewhere this desire to know aim of my life or to be more precise – purpose of my life started taking shape. Then came one more strong analogy from one of the purports from the same book where Srila Prabhupad said If you are travelling on the road in an automobile – following all the rules & regulations of civilized society like keeping to left, stopping at red light, moving at green, maintaining speed limits and all – that is useless until you don’t know your destination because without knowledge of your target destination, you will keep travelling endlessly. Similarly if you don’t know the ultimate target or goal of your life you will just end your life following or not following so called rules of society.
So right now you need to introspect that why do you want an MBA and how it can help you to achieve your ultimate aim of life which I am sure most of you do not know. Believe me, having a strong and valid reason for a particular aim makes one more dedicated and determined to achieve that aim. Besides your academic caliber, attitude plays the most important role in getting 99+ percentile in CAT. That’s enough gyaan for now; let’s start with today’s topic – Inequalities – maxima and minima.
I’ll start with an old question and familiar looking approach.