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Gaurav Jain
Topics: 0 / Replies: 49
RE: Average

YearNo ofemployeessum of age of all employeesAvg AgeRemark1990200(200*40) 1992(200-40) = 160(200*42)-(40*50) in 2 years avg age will increase by 2199...

6 years ago
RE: Time and Distance

from 12 to 8 A and H covered same distance in 8 and 6 hours respectively so the ratio of their speed will be 6:8 (s1/s2=t2/t1) => SĀ­A/SH=3/4 let's...

6 years ago
RE: Time and Distance

Let's say they meet at a point x, after t hours speed of A is a and speed of B is b. so distance PX = at distance QX=bt now after meeting at x train...

6 years ago
RE: Time and Distance

st = 3/4 s(t+2.5) 4t = 3t+7.5 t =7.5 hence normal time is 7.5 hours

6 years ago
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