In equilateral triangle ABC with side 16. If ADis perpendicular to BC and AE is congruent to ED then BE=?
If side of square is 3 what is the area of circle?
Determine the area under the archway that was constructed on a straight base AB whose length is 4feet and with circular arcs AC and AB. A) 16Ï€/3 B) 16...
The smallest angle of a rhombus is half the measure of the larger angle. Tthe shorter diagonal is 20cm. Determine the perimeter of rhombus. A) 40 B)60...
In a circle, AB is a diameter. Chords CD and EF are perpendicular to AB. The lengths AP, PQ, and QB are5,7,9respectively. Determine the sum of CP and ...
In circle O, chords AB and CD intersect at right angles at E. If AE=20 EB=36 and CE=24 what is the perimeter of circle
How many 8cm by 8cm tiles would it take to completely tile the floor of a 44m by 52m room?
What is the length of BC in right traingle ABC if AD is peroendicular to BC and AD=4 and BD=6
The reducion in the speed of engine from its original speed is directly proportional to square of the number of bogeys attached to it. The speed of th...
The cost of an article (which is composed of raw materials and wages) was 3 times the value of the raw materials used. The cost of raw materials oncre...
concentrations of three types of milks X,Y and Z are 10%, 20%and 30% respectively. They are mixed in ratio 2:3:P resulting in a 23% concentration solu...
Sahil employ 200 men to build a building. They finish 5/6of work in 10 weeks. Because of some natural calamity not only does the work remain suspended...
If a boy walks from his house to school at the rate of 4 km/hr, he reaches school 10 min earlier. However if he walks at the rate of 3km/hr he reach 1...
A man can cover a certain distance in 3 hr36 min if he walk at the rate of 5km/hr. If he cover the same distance on bike at the rate of 24km/hr, then ...