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New Question: Unit Digits and Last Two Digits
In a test match in cricket, the scores of Rohit and Virat in the first innings are in the ratio of 13 : 16. In the second innings as compared to the f...
1 year ago
New Question: Unit Digits and Last Two Digits
The 111th digit of the series 149162536496481........ is?
1 year ago
New Question: Unit Digits and Last Two Digits
how many perfect squares of natural numbers between 30000-50000 are there whose last two digits end with 81?
2 years ago
New Question: Permutation and combination
Find the number of ways to distribute 2n different balls into(a) n equal lots(b) equally among n children
2 years ago
New Question: Mensuration
A cube is divided into two parts by a plane passing through three non-adjacent vertices. Find the ratio of volume of the smaller part to that of large...
2 years ago