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Topics: 24 / Replies: 431
RE: Permutation and combination

Three Cases (1) none of them 0 . x + y + z = 10 => `14C2 14C2 x 8 = 728 cases (2) One of them 0. 3C2 x 14 = 42 42 x 4 = 168 cases (3) Two 0. ...

6 years ago
RE: Unit Digits and Last Two Digits

For last three digits in binary divide the number by 2^3 i.e 8 . So 43211724 = 724 mod 8 4 mod 8 . 4 in base 2 => 100.

6 years ago
6 years ago
Replies: 51
Views: 9135
RE: Permutation and combination

Alternate Approach : Total : 9C4 = 126 remove cases when there is no girl and 1 girl. So , 126 - 4C4 - 5c1 x 4C3 = 126 - 1 - 20 = 105

6 years ago
RE: Permutation and combination

Solution to the question 36 . Let box 1 contains black, others white. Similarly box 2 black, others white..so on. Therefore, case of one box contai...

6 years ago
RE: Divisibility and Remainders

Decimal representation of 1116 = 62 x 1 + 6 x 1 + 1 = 43 Decimal representation of 11116 = 63x1 + 62x 1 + 6 x 1+ 1= 259 . Now , count multiples of 9 b...

6 years ago
RE: Permutation and combination

5th ABCD B > C > D. A can take 9 values . ( 1, 2, 3, 4,...., 9) For D = 1 , select B and C from ( 2 , 3, 4, ... 9) in 8C2 ways . For D = 3 , sel...

6 years ago
RE: Permutation and combination

6th . other than these 3, there are 5 persons. between these persons there are 6 gaps. the chosen 3 can be anywhere in these 6 gaps , So 6C3 = 20 ways...

6 years ago
RE: Factors

(x + y ) x = 2418 = x² + xy ... ( 1) ( x + y)y = 3666= y² + xy ... (2) on adding (1) and (2) x² + 2xy + y² = 6084 ( x + y)² = 78² x + y = 78 x = ...

6 years ago
RE: Permutation and combination

TTT | AAAHG_ A _ A _ A _ H _ G_: Arrange these letters in 5!/3! i.e 20 ways space among these letters : 6 . Select any three spaces in 6c3 ways Hence...

6 years ago
RE: Profit and Loss

Solution to the 27th Question : let 100 items cost 100Rajesh will take away 110 items Hence , CP of Rakesh => 110 Marked price for Rajesh : 100 x 1...

6 years ago
RE: Percentage

Yes! But, it is an approximate value and its accuracy reduces as the interest rate becomes high.

6 years ago
RE: Conclusion and Summary

First, this question is more in line with the CR questions you are likely to get on the GMAT. However, the process of reasoning involved is what you m...

6 years ago
RE: Divisibility and Remainders

The digital sum of a number N is same as the remainder obtained by dividing the number N by 9. Digital sum of the product 2 x 7 x 181 x 241 x 607 is ...

6 years ago
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